Anne Schober

Writing Through the Mess: Seeking Healing Through Writing

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What do life, self-reflection, and writing all have in common? They are messy! Therefore, it is fitting they are woven together in the exercises of this book. The act of writing slows the thought process so the writer can explore memories and pivotal moments. Reflection and giving oneself permission to write what needs to be written lead the writer to a place of enlightenment.

This self-knowledge brings power to the writer who is ready to embrace the wisdom generated by their unique life story. Anne and Lisa met over ten years ago while co-facilitating at the Pennsylvania Writing Institute. Their mutual passion for writing and teaching caused them to quickly form a friendship.

Several years later, they combined their talents to help guide writers through exercises of renewal in their workshops and writing course. After requests for more, Anne and Lisa assembled this collection of writing exercises. Through their own words and the words of others, the pages of this workbook came to life with the hopes of guiding others to explore, enlighten, and embrace the messiness of who they are by seeking healing through writing. If you picked up this book, it's time to pick up your pen and become the owner of your own life story. You are ready to begin a powerful journey. It is time to Write Through the Mess!


Product Detail

  • Author: Anne Schober
  • Release Date:
  • Pages: 140
  • ISBN: 978-0999275849
  • Genre: Creativity
Writing Through the Mess: Seeking Healing Through Writing

$17.99 USD