Established in 2011, Library Tales Publishing is a distinguished independent publishing house, renowned for publishing, marketing, and distributing a wide spectrum of books, spanning self-help, memoirs, and niche fiction, penned by skilled and creative authors.
Our catalogue boasts an impressive roster of writers, each distinguished in their respective genres. Among these are bestselling authors like David Friedman, Catherine V. Holmes, Liz Ferro, David Michael Slater, and Mary-Anne Kennedy, to name just a few. Their works echo our commitment to quality and originality, crafting narratives that captivate readers across the globe.
In our quest for quality, we have seen our authors and their remarkable works spotlighted across numerous national print, TV, and radio media platforms. From morning talk show features on "Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda" to comprehensive reviews in the esteemed "Publishers Weekly" and "The New York Review of Books", and coverage on Fox News and various Book TV Shows, our authors' talents have been recognized and celebrated in far-reaching forums. As we've grown, we've expanded our reach both domestically and internationally.
Today, Library Tales Publishing has robust distribution networks, audio rights, and sales representation that span the globe. We're deeply invested in both digital and physical distribution channels, constantly evolving to keep pace with the rapid advancements in the publishing industry.